
The skies in New York City,
were bright and blue and clear.
Unseen by human eyes,
the angels gathered near.
They hovered ever closer,
to the towers standing tall.
They did not know or understand,
why God had sent them all.

Guardian angels,
wrapped their arms
around people in each plane.
And held them close as each plane hit,
the angels took the pain.

From around the towers
the angels flew,
to be with every one.
They guided
some through smoke and fire
outside and made them run.
Other angels stayed with those,
who paused to make a call.
They held each close,
who had not strength,
and those that took a fall.

The angels screamed with man,
OH GOD please tell us why!
But God gave no one answers,
as smoke filled up the sky.

Twas then the angels headed
south to Washington DC.
They knew this time,
to gather close,
they knew what they would see.
On this plane too,
they took the pain for each and every one.
And on the ground,
the others stood within the Pentagon.

And yet another plane was there,
more angels heard the call.
And with the people in this plane,
they waited for the fall.
But word had reached this final plane,
they learned where they were bound.
They took a vote,
they said a prayer,
and put the plane into the ground.

The skies above America,
are clear and blue and bright.
It's citizens are praying,
for those soon called to fight.
The angels gather still again,
and God will send them too.
To be with those who do defend,
the flag, red, white and blue.

By Carol Notermann
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